S.A.M. Trade menawarkan promosi-promosi yang berlainan dari masa ke masa kepada klien mereka. Sila lawati halaman Promosi kami untuk butiran lanjut. Jika anda belum menjadi klien S.A.M. Trade lagi, klik di sini untuk membuka akaun langsung dengan kami.
Tidak, setiap promosi tidak sah besama dengan promosi lain yang sedang berjalan.
Ya, anda sentiasa boleh melawat halaman Promosi kami atau mengikuti media sosial kami seperti halaman Facebook kami.
Jika anda tidak menemui apa yang anda cari, cari lagi atau hubungi kami terus. Kami gembira untuk membantu anda.
It has been brought to our attention that an entity called GIB & Capital Group Pty has stated our affiliate company's (S.A.M. Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd) ASIC license number of its website.
Specifically, GIB & Capital Group Pty states that it "is a company incorporated in Australia and that holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) number 338647 issued by the Australia Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to carry on financial services business in Australia. You may request financial services from GIB & Capital Group Pty via its official website here https://gib.group/".
We wish to bring to the immediate attention of and alert the public and clients that S.A.M. Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd is the rightful and legal owner of this licence.
GIB & Capital Group Pty has no right to use or to refer to the Australian Financial Services Licence number 338647.
S.A.M Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd has not authorised GIB & Capital Group Pty, or given permission in any form, or established partnership / collaboration / cooperation with GIB & Capital Group Pty to carry out financial services business in Australia. GIB & Capital Group Pty does not represent S.A.M. Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd, act for and/or act on behalf of S.A.M. Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd.
In addition, S.A.M. Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd has no affiliation with any third party entities claiming to be associated with GIB & Capital Group. Any claims by any such entities to be in part of or in some way authorised, endorsed or approved by, or affiliated or connected with S.A.M. Financial Group (Australia) are false.
We are consulting our lawyers to take urgent and necessary action to protect the public, our clients and our company.
We reserve all our rights against GIB & Capital Group Pty.